P.E. - Advanced Higher
Purpose and Aims
Pupils will develop their ability to perform with consistency in a challenging context, and analyse and apply strategies to make appropriate decisions about their own performance. Pupils carry out independent research and analysis of the impact of mental, emotional, social and physical factors on performance.
Throughout the course, pupils have opportunities to reflect on attitudes, values and behaviours by participating in physical activities. The learning experiences in the course are flexible and adaptable, with opportunities for personalisation and choice.
The skills, knowledge and understanding that candidates acquire by successfully completing the course are transferable to learning, to life and to the world of work.
The course aims to:
- develop a broad and comprehensive range of complex movement and performance skills, and demonstrate them safely and effectively in a challenging context
- select and apply skills by making informed decisions in a physical activity
- understand how skills, techniques and strategies combine to produce an effective performance
- investigate the impact of mental, emotional, social and physical factors on performance and the process of performance development
- understand and apply approaches to develop performance
Performance: 30 marks
The purpose of this component is to assess the pupils’ ability to effectively perform in one physical activity.
The performance is a single event in a challenging, competitive and/or demanding context. This gives pupils an opportunity to demonstrate the following skills, knowledge and understanding:
- a repertoire of skills — including complex skills
- control and fluency
- effective decision-making
- using and applying straightforward composition, tactics or role safely and effectively
- conforming to rules, regulations and etiquette
- controlling emotions
- working co-operatively with others
Project – 70% of overall grade
The project assesses pupils’ ability to integrate and apply skills, knowledge and understanding of the factors that impact on performance.
The project has 70 marks out of a total of 100 marks for the course assessment.
The project assesses candidates’ research and investigation skills, as well as their ability to apply their knowledge and understanding to performance development. Candidates research a topic that has an impact on either their performance or the performance of another person, team or group.
The project gives pupils the opportunity to:
- demonstrate independent research and investigation skills
- investigate how factors impact on performance
- understand and apply approaches to develop performance
- analyse and evaluate the process of performance development
The project has four stages:
Stage 1 — project proposal
Stage 2 — research
Stage 3 — implementing the Personal Development Plan (PDP)
Stage 4 — post-PDP analysis and evaluation