Madras College

Primary 7 Transition

Welcome to our P7 transition page for 2024-2025. Here you will find information for pupils moving up to Madras College in August 2025. 


Week beginning 3 February 2025

Mr Currie and Mr Wishart will be visiting the following primary 7s this week:

Monday: Leuchars

Wednesday: Greyfriars

Friday: Canongate and Strathkinness


Upcoming Events

Now that we've reached 2025 I'm pleased to be able to share with you some dates of transition events that will take place before the summer holidays. 

Date Event
3 February - 21 February Mr. Currie and Mr. Wishart will visit the cluster primaries to meet our incoming pupils and answer any questions they might have. 
March - April Support for Learning teachers from Madras visit P7 classes to gather information. 
1 April  Transition Ceilidh at Madras College for all P7 pupils within our catchment schools. 
May  Guidance teachers from Madras College will visit the P7s and speak with them about their roles and answer any questions the pupils might have. 
17 June, 18 June, 19 June Transition Days at Madras College
19 June P7 Open Evening. Parents and carers are welcome to come and have a look round Madras College and meet some of our teachers. 

 In addition to the events above which are designed for all of our P7s we will also be running enhanced transition programmes in collaboration with Families First for those pupils who may require additional support. 

Further events may be added to the schedule - we'll endeavour to keep you informed of these as the year progresses. 


First Coffee Morning

Yesterday morning (Wednesday 4 December) saw Madras College welcome a group of primary 7 parents to our first P7 coffee morning. There were lots of good conversations going on between parents and S1 and S6 pupils about a whole range of topics related to Madras College and transition. All in all it was a very positive experience and we hope to see more parents/carers at next Wednesday's event. 


Transition Coffee Mornings

This year we are introducing a series of coffee mornings for parents/carers of P7 pupils coming to Madras College in August 2025. These will be an opportunity to visit Madras and meet with some of our staff in an informal setting. 

The coffee mornings will run in the school canteen from 9.30am to 10.30am on the following dates:

Wednesday 4 December 2024

Wednesday 11 December 2024

Wednesday 18 December 2024

Parents/carers are welcome to choose which date(s) they would like to come along to. 


Update - November 2024

Transition 2024/25 is underway with a great turn out for our Welcome Evenings. Over the two nights we welcomed more than 600 parents/carers and pupils and were able to answer lots of questions that our audiences had. 

The presentation that was used can be found here

We're currently planning more transition activities and will be in touch soon. 

Behind the scenes we are working with our catchment primary schools on information sharing and there have already been several really interesting chats with a variety of schools about some of the pupils who will be joining us next year. 


Welcome Evenings 

These will take place in the Madras College assembly hall on:

Evening 1: Tuesday 29 October from 5pm – 6pm 

Evening 2: Thursday 7 November from 6pm –7pm 

These Welcome Evenings are designed to introduce you to Madras College and to some key staff. We also hope to have pupils from our current S1s there to talk about their experiences and to give you a flavour of what life is like at Madras College.

Please note that these evenings will be the same and so there is no need to attend both.